In two weeks exactly from today (on April 30th), Azerbaijani youth will be mourning for the loss of innocent lives of young students brutally murdered that day at the Azrbaijan State Oil Academy. Or so is the plan.
This morning, today's issue of a local newspaper Yeni Musavat, published an article according to which, it looks like there will be no commemoration held at the Academy. Referring to the information obtained from Academy's students, article reiterates words of Academy's director Siyavus Qarayev who warned academy's students and its professors that there wont be any commemoration service held at the university that day. In case some students decide to do otherwise, they will be expelled from the university immediately.
State Oil Academy is considered as one of prestigious universities in Azerbaijan though unfortunately also exposed to corruption.
Almost a year later, the incident is still unclear. There are various speculations as to what happened and on the actual numbers of those murdered and wounded. One thing thats certain is that it was more than 13 people killed that day.
However, whatever the reasoning behind director's statement might be, there must be something held that day to remember those who were killed and extend condolences to the families. Otherwise, there might be more arrests and detainments on that day around the city on charges of hooliganism just like it was last year (and also perhaps additionally for wearing black). So perhaps we should prep our cameras for some interesting shots of that day, because maybe we will witness some surprises.
How is it 'certain' more than 13 died? 'Certain' implies evidence. The only reasoning I've heard is that there ares econd hand accounts of someone seeing more bodies. But never any proof beyond taxicab gossip
@anonymous (2nd one) are you absolutely sure that it was 13 people? just curious! and i have heard personally from friends who study at ADNA that they saw more that 13 bodies. But of course, you might say that they too could be making things up.
perhaps, another reason why there isn't any hands on proff is because the government and "men in black in their black vans" did a very good job hiding, covering and paying off al those who couldn't speak?! i don't know, you tell me, looks like you know more about this?!
@AG, What's the difference 12 or 13 or more?! What would it change if there were 25?
What matters is...
Innocent people are killed and the one who did it is dead also,those who helped them are jailed.
The only justice could be done is to prevent such things in the future.
Plus respect your audience opinion. :P I mean, we live in democratic country, with freedom of everything, dont we? ;)
@Anonymous (2nd) , according to taxi cab gossip in 2012 world will come to an end. :)
Allah Rehmet Elesin!!!
@M.A i always respect my audience opinion. and me asking a question doesn't mean that i don't respect their opinion, it means i want to hear more about why they think so or write so or believe or :)
true, it might not matter whether there were (are) 12 or more dead, whats important is that they are respected and i feel like they are not. i am sure on april 30th there is going to be a lot going on and thats disappointing because if it was allowed and made official that on april 30th, students can visit ADNA, lay flowers, light candles, express their condolences then it would have been better.
and yes, it is important that perpetrators are punished, i am just slightly skeptical whether they have they actual perpetrators.
Allah rehmet elesin, thank you for the comment M.A, as always following all the comments closely :)
1.Officially? Hm, kalendarda yer yoxdu...hamisi ish gunudu. olmaz. martda cox istirahet elemishik, aprelde ishlemek lazimdi. hem de may ayi gelir
2. bu olkede hec dirilere hormet yoxdu, o ki qaldi olulere. Burda Celil Memmedquluzadenin meshur bir eseri adamin yadina dushur. sende o eserin qehremanlarindan biri. Kefli Isgender. Hami agilli idi seherde, deli bir dene o. :)No offence. :) Amma nece deyerler, kimin evveli kimin axiri...
It is really sad though....I personally had to go to 20 yanvar station to read the exact date of the bomb attack of 1994. :(((
No, this time your question to your audience was lit bit emotional. :P More than just a question. And it is something easy to understand.
About perpetrators, as long as to prevent such things in future and plus respect those who are killed as you've said.....then....it should be ok.
Sorry Ms Arzu I didn't want to make you defensive. It was truly a tragic day and the government reaction was shocking. I wasn't crityicizing you. I just wanted to know if you had proof of a conspriacy besides simple hearsay.
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