Saturday, February 23

In case you didn't know, Azerbaijan is also the sports power in the world

Oh yeah, this is a first. Or at least for me as I have heard many things we are "number one" in the world for but in sports, that is a first for me. 

In a statement by Mubariz Gurbanli, deputy executive secretary of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan Party, few other things were noted. Surely, late president was not omitted and so wasn't his son (how could that be?!). Gurbanli noted Azerbaijan's growing influence in the world in all spheres of life including sports "Azerbaijan is seen as a sports power in the world". 

A message to Azerbaijan's "enemy" too was thrown among the lines "Azerbaijan's achievements in sport are further evidence of the ideological victory of the country over the enemy".

I am happy to hear we have an up- and- coming sportsmen and women competing at world's sporting events, but to say we are "the best" simply ain't right. There are far better countries whose athletes are much better than ours. No need to exaggerate, we just need to take a look at Olympic game stats. But then, exaggeration is what our officials to best. They just loooooooove to say things like this.

Similarly, I came across this photo shared today on Facebook that pretty much says, Azerbaijanis were also very much involved in discovery of the United States :)
Azerbaijan's textbook for 8th graders

Rough translation: During America's discovery, accomplishments of Azerbaijani science were instrumental. First of all, before Columbus discovered America, 200 years prior, Azerbaijani scientist, N. Tusi's calculations already indicated existence of the mainland. On the other hand, Columbus's teacher Toskanelli, was aware of Tusi's work and learned much from him. It is without doubt that Toskanelli taught Columbus the knowledge he learned from Tusi. Therefore, Azerbaijani science played a big role in discovery of America.

1 comment:

giocomai said...

"the ideological victory of the country over the enemy" in the middle of a speech about sports??
not bad, not bad...