Sunday, August 14

Demolition of houses in Azerbaijani continues (Updated)

Demolition of residential units in Azerbaijan continues, and not just in the main downtown area. Here is a snippet of one of the buildings being demolished for construction of a concert hall. Ironically, demolished house is located near the "highest flagpole".

Just now, an article [AZ] appeared on the Radio Liberty local service, reporting on new houses being demolished with residents actually living inside of these buildings. According to the article, none of the residents were given new housing but already demolition and eviction are on its way. 

The state institution in charge- State Committee on Property Issues- and its department head Yusif Qambarov refused to respond to questions of the news portal. 

In the meantime demolition continues in the neighboring area where Peace and Democracy Institute was once located.    


Crystal said...

"The New York Times" has been covering the stories from Baku as well. Two articles discussing the evictions:


Arzu Geybulla said...

Hi Crystal,

I know. I have actually tweeted them out. But thanks for adding links here.

and thanks for reading.