Just yesterday, I read an interview with David Cameron and British version of Glamour- magazine known for its star gossip, fashion, latest trends and all the rest of things many women find interesting. But this interview wasn't about fashion (well, maybe just one bit when Cameron talks about his fashionable looks, adding that its his wife, who dresses him and picks all the combinations), not even close. The reason why Cameron agreed to have the interview was because he saw Glamour as a window of opportunity in reaching out to the female voters.
Innovative indeed, as the times change, even political figures seek new ways to get their vote or their message out to the public.

Not sure whether this can ever happen in Azerbaijan because whenever politics and fashion are mentioned in one article in this country, its mostly about the way First Lady always dressed- smart and beautiful in her designer clothes, shoes and bags.
Who knows, maybe one day, we will also open one of our magazines and see our political figures looking out to their voters, for once, honestly and asking them to vote for them as their vote counts and actually does matter.
Who knows... Will just have to keep waiting especially as the Parliamentary Elections approach (November 2010) and the candidates start their campaigns. Will there be any innovation? Any interesting, smart campaigns? Maybe, at least, our candidates will be fashionably dressed (though honestly I doubt it as Azerbaijani men are very macho, and for them fashion doesn't go together with their traditional roles in the society)?! Who knows, will see...
not for publishing: bizimkiler toylarda campaign aparirlar. :)
haha, o da duzdur :)
dedim axi publish eleme de :) bu toy meselesini :P
dedim axi publish eleme de :) bu toy meselesini :P
I am afraid fashion can distort the passionate devil nature of politics and make it look like a 'gay' in Azerbaijan.
@Elshad: what is wrong with being gay?
@Arzu - love everything u write.
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