Tuesday, February 21

It all stays in a family

In TV series Sopranos, there is a line when Tony speaks to Christopher Moltisanti, the cousin of Tony Soprano’s wife and part of his inner circle: “Blood. You’re going to lead this family into the 21st century."

I wonder what was the conversation Mehriban Aliyev had with her husband Ilham Aliyev before he broke the news that he was going to appoint her as Azerbaijan's first VP? 

Maybe Ilham Aliyev watched Sopranos, and maybe he even used that sentence. 

But that was a movie, Azerbaijan and the appointment is real life.

Aliyev said his beautiful (well, he did not actually say beautiful) but he did say, determined and dedicated and lots of other pretty words about his wife while presenting her to his "comrade minions" at the "security" meeting today (February 21, 2017). 

She was nuanced when she delivered "thank you love" speech. 

And so it was made official- Azerbaijan was run by a family (first father, then son- you know the story) but now it is run by a family where all its current member are alive and well. We should be expecting another appointment to the second VP position. It could be Aliyev Junior, or perhaps not yet. It could be one of the daughters or maybe the husband of one of the daughters. 

At this point, it does not really matter who gets to occupy the position of second VP because no matter who that person is going to be, Azerbaijan has just changed to a royal family type of thing in what already looked like a monarchy. 

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