Wednesday, October 3

Magic in the air- or will Ilham Aliyev trick European politicians all over again

Of course I am not talking about flying men on a stage, or colorful and endless little handkerchiefs coming out of one's pocket. This is actually about a well- known trick of a white rabbit. You know- one minute rabbit is there, and then bam and rabbit is gone. 

This time, the trick will be performed by no other but Ilham Aliyev- the authoritarian President of Azerbaijan.  His audience will be the Council of Europe. The question is will the CoE nod in unison and rise to their feet to loudly applause His Excellency Aliyev or will they actually understand they are being tricked? 

We'll see as PACE decides today on the definition of the term political prisoner. I am keeping my fingers crossed and so are the many of the journalists, bloggers, advocates and organizers at home. You see, its actually very simple. We care about our future, the future of our country and the future of the generations to come! We care about our present! We care about the people who think freely and are not afraid to show this! I care for my country's future! The please do care too! 

And of course, what prompted me to write this post was this brilliant story told in pictures by European Stability Initiative - Ilham the Magician and the Council of Europe. Must see!

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