Friday, May 14

"Need money for exams"

So reads one of the posters, a group of young Azerbaijani activists held up in short flashmob style peaceful protest. The aim was to raise some of the concerns they had regarding government budget spending and corruption especially in the fields as education and health care. One poster called on the government to pay more attention to one of the regions where recently have flood damaged much of the area. 

Anonymous comment was placed under the article on the protest on Radio Liberty Azeri service saying: "I would like to ask, does these youth attend classes? what are they doing on the streets during the class hour? as far as I can see, they all look like students. I am 100% sure that now they will blame the teachers and the books. Change and knowledge is only possible with educated minds, not with four posters!" adding "you are so funny guys, really funny" at the end of the comment. 

True, knowledge comes from educated minds but if education system in Azerbaijan functions on bribes and little knowledge transfer, then what knowledge can we talk of here? Perhaps this "Anonymous" individual went to another university in another country because as far I as know, to learn something in our universities is like winning a battle. Teachers who actually do teach are small in numbers and those students who are ready to learn have to go through a lot to get good grades. 

And one tiny tiny additional comment, just because they look young it doesn't mean that they all must be students. But thats another story. This blog post is about the protest itself and I want to congratulate all those who took part in it. I liked the colors and liked the aim. Too bad no one else joined, I guess that would mean that people are satisfied with everything?! 

Here are some photos from the protests (thanks to Mehman Huseynov) and footage:


  1. AG, you know corruption in education, suits more those who dont study at all which are, i would dare to say 70% of overall students. Now, Imagine there is no corruption in education, what those would do? get kicked out of university? Force everyone to study? it is not possible,simply because they have never done so. The bottom line is not to blame government ONLY for corruption in education, but students and their parents-Who care more about receiving diploma rather than education itself.


  2. @M.A well said! absolutely agree with you on that- but i have no clue as to how change the mindsets of those who are by now so much used to buying their education? :( any ideas?

  3. Azerbaijan's educational system is a really tough one; it is like a dinosaur, try to avoid his jaws when you are a small fish, till you grow up. But also just like a dinosaur, it is clumsy ass. Well, goes like this - my first year at Baku State was a hard one, I’ve spent almost all of my leisure time at Akhundov library. But that certainly paid out latter, i created an image of hardworking-never-paying-bribe student. So even when i didn't study the subjects which seemed absurd to me later, professors did not dear to fail me :) My authority was unconquerable.

  4. First, education system should be in way that not the entrance but exit from universities must be strict!!! Knowing this, they will be forced to study from the beginning.But it is just an idea, I can't assume how much of resources would be needed to do so.

    Second, usually education changes here is a dilemma. Again it comes to the creation of civil society and its consequences. :(((


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Azerbaijan's educational system is a really tough one; it is like a dinosaur, try to avoid his jaws when you are a small fish, till you grow up. But also just like a dinosaur, it is clumsy assbwart. Well, it goes like this - my first year at Baku State was a hard one, I’ve spent almost all of my leisure time at Akhundov library. But that certainly paid out latter, i created an image of hardworking-never-paying-bribe student. So even when i didn't study the subjects which seemed absurd to me, professors did not dear to fail me :) My authority was unconquerable.
